Limb Lengthening Surgeon | Limb Lengthening Doctor| Dr. Sarin

India, Delhi, New Delhi
Published 2 days ago
ID #151575
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Limb Lengthening Surgeon | Limb Lengthening Doctor| Dr. Sarin
India, Delhi, New Delhi,
Published 2 days ago


Dr. Amar Sarin is an orthopedic consultant and restorative surgeon at Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute in New Delhi, India, having worked in orthopedics for over 30+ years. He has gained tremendous expertise in Limb Lengthening Surgeries, complications of trauma and orthopedic surgeries, non-union and infected non-union surgeries, polio corrective surgeries, and bone deformities and defects. He has performed more than 3000+ Limb Lengthening Surgery.

He has an active research interest in limb lengthening and infected bone Non-Unions. Limb lengthening surgery is now a large component of his practice. He is committed to developing and teaching limb lengthening and Illizarov surgeries in a significant way.
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Dr Sarin
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    Registered on October 19, 2024

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    India, Delhi, New Delhi
    Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi – 110063