Same Day Urgent Courier and Delivery Service anywhere within the city (Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai)
* Same Day Delivery for Local and Hyperlocal Deliveries in 60-90 minutes exactly when you need it.
* On-Demand Delivery
* No Minimum Order Requirement
* Doorstep Pick up and Drop
* COD Facility available. Settlement on the same day.
* A Pool of Delivery Partners - Place an order and our system will find the most suitable delivery partner nearby.
* Completely hassle-free. No need to register to deliver your products
* City Presence: Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai.
*Express Deliveries
* Economical - Hyperlocal tariffs starting from Rs 60/-
* Deliveries of Gifts, Hampers, Designer Clothes, Documents, Cakes etc
*Courier is assigned within 10 minutes of placing an order and can arrive at pickup location within 15-30 minutes (depends on distance)! You can choose a time interval with up to 30 minutes precision.
* Courier will arrive when it is convenient for you, rather than at some random unknown time interval.
* You can download the Wefast Delivery app - or visit our website