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Hive Honey Cake India - Best Russian honey cake

India, Kerala, Kochi
Published 1 year ago
ID #142252
1 photo
Condition: New
Hive Honey Cake India - Best Russian honey cake
India, Kerala, Kochi,
Published 1 year ago


Hive fetches over the traditional Russian treat to India. As the supreme manufacturers of the luscious fusion in the Middle East, our bakers spend weeks nights, and days creating the immaculate Russian Honey Cake from the 19th century, which proved to twin with the Russian taste and structure. Hive’s venture to re-creating the flawless dessert by the Russian chef has been wonderful throughout the course, helping us furnish the taste that cannot be matched in a million years to come.
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    Hive Honey Cake India
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    Seller's info

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    Hive Honey Cake India
    Unregistered user

    Listing location

    India, Kerala, Kochi
    Badra Building, Opp SBI, 65/4080, Ground Floor, SRM Road, Junction, Kochi, Kerala 682018