Nav Jagarti Samajik Seva Sansthan is a registered under "The Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, 1958 and the registration number is OOP/2019/JAIPUR/105260. Nav Jagarti Samajik Seva Sansthan works together with the people in the projects as partners in finding solutions and in creating the necessary conditions to improve their living standards and to achieve people’s aspirations towards a just and humanized life for the individuals, the families and their communities.
Best Organization in Jaipur Rajasthan for Samuhik Vivah Sammelan
India, Rajasthan, Jaipur
Published 4 years ago
ID #125519
Condition: New
Transaction: Buy
Best Organization in Jaipur Rajasthan for Samuhik Vivah Sammelan
India, Rajasthan, Jaipur,
Published 4 years ago