Technology is the application of knowledge(scientific) for practical purposes.
With the help of Technology our efforts get less. And work gets more specific.
In this era of cars running with water, vehicles moving with the help of electricity,etc. Who have thought of it. Though look we are here. With Technology every thing is possible.
Although we have grown a lot in terms of technology, so it is also important to secure our information and data from data Theft.The technology which is just now beginning to be manipulated and harnessed is affecting the minds of small children in ways that could be harmful. It is affecting our immediate future.
Moving towards making the world digital. With the growing advancement in the field of Technology, so it’s necessary to make use of the technology in the right direction.
There are tips in this article which can be helpful as to be secured and to make the full use of technology at the same time.
We provide the tips and information about how can we make our websites mobile friendly.
The importance or the advantage of digital tax payment.
Technology has advanced so much that now we can find our soulmates on a click. Our planet can be named as the Planet of the apps, as there are so many apps for Dating or meeting, like Tinder, Happen and many more.
The execution of plans which were planned for 2019 are here.
Artificial Intelligence: This year, Artificial Intelligence will be expanding their presence in various sectors, like in the food and manufacturing industries.
5 G proliferation.
Drone In the upcoming year the drone industry have increased it’s manufacturing.
As for the upcoming year (2020) Advances are going to be.
The vision of 2020 is Here.
Japan country will going to build a robotic moon base in 2020
Cars would not need a driver as the cars will drive themselves.
There will be Flying Cars between 2020-2021
We’ll control the devices with microchips which are to be implanted in our brains.
New screens of the devices will be paper-thin.
The technology has become a big part of our society,it affects both work and ease activities. Technology contains information that many of us would not have. It influences minds in good ways as well as in bad ways, and it allows people to share information which they would otherwise not be able to reach. It gives a form of communication and exchange of information which was not available before, information that is good or bad.
Technology is one of the driving forces of the future; it is transforming our lives and shaping our future at rates unprecedented in the past.
The impact of technology on the lives can change how safe, healthy and happy people feel. Throughout the past, people have looked for better ways to meet their needs and to satisfy their expectations. Technology has improved the way people, wear and shelter themselves. Technology has also changed other aspects of everyday life, such as health care, education, job satisfaction, and ease time activities.
For more ideas and tips for Technology visit: techmoon
Technology and it's influence
Madhya Pradesh, Indore
Published 5 years ago
ID #115668
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Technology and it's influence
Madhya Pradesh, Indore,
Published 5 years ago