1449 Sq.Ft Flat with 3BHK For Sale in Banjara Layout

India, Karnataka, Bangalore
Published 2 weeks ago
ID #151058
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Condition: New
Transaction: Sell
1449 Sq.Ft Flat with 3BHK For Sale in Banjara Layout
India, Karnataka, Bangalore,
Published 2 weeks ago


Introducing the Black Series, dedicated to redefining luxury at every home touchpoint. From its distinctive black clay tile exterior to the sophisticated lobbies, this series sets a new benchmark for architectural excellence. Assetz 66 & SHIBUI offers a collection of 96 exclusive apartments with diverse amenities, where luxury meets distinction.
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    Registered on 5. Jun 2024


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    Private person
    Registered on June 5, 2024

    Listing location

    India, Karnataka, Bangalore
    DS-MAX SKYGRAND Kalkere-Agara Main Road, Opposite To NPS Kalkere, Kalkere, Bengaluru 560 113