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Oppo f3 gold 64gb 4gb ram with warranty, bill and box

Punjab, Jalandhar
Published 6 years ago
ID #75243
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12500.00 ₹
Oppo f3 gold 64gb 4gb ram with warranty, bill and box
Punjab, Jalandhar,
Published 6 years ago


OPPO F3 gold in excellent condition with bill 3 months warranty clean phone for rs 12500 only. Accompanied by accessories, bill, and box. Screen guard and 2 phone covers also available with the phone.
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    Registered on 13. Mar 2018
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    12500.00 ₹

    Seller's info

    Seller's picture
    Private person
    Registered on March 13, 2018

    Listing location

    Punjab, Jalandhar