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Acupressure massager, ceragem

India, Maharashtra, Mumbai
Published 4 years ago
ID #122662
25000.00 ₹
Condition: Used
Transaction: Sell
Acupressure massager, ceragem
India, Maharashtra, Mumbai,
Published 4 years ago



I want to sell our Natural Thermal Acupressure messager, which we brought from Ceragem Centre for my father. He used it for around 3 years. he was very satisfied with it.
sadly he passed away last year. and due to my busy schedule i am not able to spare time for it to do acupressure massage regularly. therefore i am planning to sell it. we bought it for 60000/-.
the machine is in very good working condition. it has extra 9 ball set which normally not available with such kind of machines.
we are selling it for just 25000/-
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    Registered on 26. Dec 2019
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    25000.00 ₹

    Seller's info

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    Private person
    Registered on December 26, 2019

    Listing location

    India, Maharashtra, Mumbai