Used Solid Burma Teak Wood Chairs to sell

India, Maharashtra, Pune
Published 1 day ago
ID #151429
1 - 2 of 3
1000.00 ₹
Condition: Used
Transaction: Sell
Used Solid Burma Teak Wood Chairs to sell
India, Maharashtra, Pune,
Published 1 day ago


1. Solid Burma Teak Wood Chair
2. Custom made chairs suitable for dining and other purposes.
3. Owner going abroad. Will accept highest/first reasonable offer.
4. Chairs are in sturdy and in good condition, like new.
5. 4 Chairs at Rs 250 each.
6. Can buy 2 out of 4 chairs also.
7. Used cushion available if desired (shown in photograph).
8. Simple sales process. Come, see the chairs, finalise the price, pay, pick up and go.
Tapan Singhal
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    Registered on 15. May 2024


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    1000.00 ₹
    Contact seller 0772000xxxx

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    Private person
    Registered on May 15, 2024

    Listing location

    India, Maharashtra, Pune
    Flat 9 Shagun, 55/10 Ashok Path, Erandawana