Best Laboratory Refrigerator Exporters in India

India, Haryana, AmbalaCantt.
Published 2 days ago
ID #150441
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Best Laboratory Refrigerator Exporters in India
India, Haryana, AmbalaCantt.,
Published 2 days ago


Laboratory refrigerator exporters are companies that specialize in supplying refrigeration units specifically designed for storing sensitive materials in laboratory settings. These exporters offer a range of products tailored to meet the strict requirements of scientific research facilities, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare institutions. Laboratory Refrigerator Exporters, Coslab India, offer a wide range of high-quality laboratory refrigeration solutions for various scientific and research requirements. With a focus on precision cooling and temperature control, their products are designed to meet the specific needs of laboratories and research facilities.

Visit: https://www.coslabindia.com/laboratory-refrigerator-exporters
Contact: +91-9416113230
Mail: info@coslabindia.com
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Coslab India
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    Registered on 24. May 2024


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    Private person
    Registered on May 24, 2024

    Listing location

    India, Haryana, AmbalaCantt.
    3474, Shantipath, Ram Bagh Road