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Bosch Dishwasher - Used - Excellent Condition

India, Delhi, New Delhi
Published 4 years ago
ID #122642
20000.00 ₹
Condition: Used
Transaction: Sell
Bosch Dishwasher - Used - Excellent Condition
India, Delhi, New Delhi,
Published 4 years ago


Item: Bosch Dishwasher
Selling for Rs.20000 (all included)
Year bought: 2013
Amount paid: Rs.36000 including tax (currently retails at Rs.33500-Rs.30000 before tax)
Model number: SMS40E32EU
Reason for sale: Not using, downsizing.
Condition: Excellent condition, no wear and tear. Mint condition as it was hardly used apart from test-uses to see its working condition. Great shape.
Giving away 2 bottles of 'Finish' dishwashing liquid for FREE along with the purchase

Serious buyers only. Private message to know contact details etc. Feel free to ask any queries here. First come, first serve. Non-negotiable, pick-up only (Dwarka area, New Delhi)
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    Registered on 24. Dec 2019
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    20000.00 ₹

    Seller's info

    Seller's picture
    Private person
    Registered on December 24, 2019

    Listing location

    India, Delhi, New Delhi
    Sector 4, Dwarka, New Delhi