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Computer repair services near me in Nallagandla, Hyderabad

Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
Published 5 years ago
ID #102170
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300.00 ₹
Computer repair services near me in Nallagandla, Hyderabad
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad,
Published 5 years ago


SBR COMPUTERS Sales & Services
Laptop and Desktop Repair Computer
Computer Hardware & Software
We Provide Onsite computer repair and service
We will help you to decide both repair and replacement solutions when you need services
Our professional computer service engineers will help with all your day to day computer repair issues like
CPU Not switching on
Computer won't display anything on screen, No display, restart
Computer booting problem
Computer windows errors
Slow booting and frequent hanging problem, hanging monitors
General computer service (cleaning, organising cables)
System assembling
Computer windows tune-ups, Trouble shooting
Computer Hardware Drivers installations
Computer data backup and recovery
Virus cleaning and malware removal
Home office Networking support, Internet Problems
Partitions recovery, Data recovery
Server Installation and support
Anti-virus and Internet security
Data Backup and Recovery
Remote Managed Services
Windows Password recovery and reset
Windows upgrades and may more IT repair Services.
We repair & service Multiple brands include
Dell, Hp, ,Acer, Compaq,Lenovo,ibm And All in one Desktops
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    Registered on 26. Dec 2018
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    300.00 ₹

    Seller's info

    Seller's picture
    Private person
    Registered on December 26, 2018

    Listing location

    Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad