Potable Oxygen Concentrator Inogen ONE G5 USA brand for sale

India, Karnataka, Bangalore
Last update 2 weeks ago
ID #151028
170000.00 ₹
Condition: Used
Transaction: Sell
Potable Oxygen Concentrator Inogen ONE G5 USA brand for sale
India, Karnataka, Bangalore,
Modified 2 weeks ago


USA brand Inogen ONE G5 Potable 2022 model for sale . Top condition with regular service done, hardly used for 2 years.
a) Inogen O2 Potable machine with carry bag - 1.6lakhs,
b) Inogen O2 Potable machine with carry bag and extra 1 shoulder bag- 1.7lakhs
c) New Inogen extra battery hardly used - 60k
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    170000.00 ₹
    Contact seller 974293xxxx

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    Unregistered user

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    India, Karnataka, Bangalore
    165 Teachers Colony Koramangala Post