Vintage Leather Messenger Bag

India, Haryana, Karnal
Published 17 hours ago
ID #151509
450.00 ₹
Condition: New
Transaction: Sell
Vintage Leather Messenger Bag
India, Haryana, Karnal,
Published 17 hours ago


Brown leather messenger bag, it's new in condition not used once, there is no wear and tear.
It has 4 pockets total,
One in the front
One in the middle for opening to keep stuff, onto behind the bag and other pocket being within the middle pocket for keeping cash, credit card type stuff.

There is a strip attached to the bag for adjusting the hanging length of the bag based on user's convience.

The material used in creation of the bag is pure leather making it highly durable, however don't add to too much weight in it - like using it for buying groceries.
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    450.00 ₹
    Contact seller 705653xxxx

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    Private person
    Registered on October 14, 2024

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    India, Haryana, Karnal